Insulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC SystemInsulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC System

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Insulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC System

When we couldn't get our home to cool down last summer, we started checking our HVAC system. We found out that our air conditioning system was working fine, but the air just seemed to leave our house rapidly. We contacted an HVAC contractor to run a few tests, and he concluded that we had a severe insulation problem. After showing us which rooms had bad leaks, he recommended a business to come out and remedy the situation. This blog is all about insulating your home and helping you to keep that carefully heated and cooled air inside, where it belongs.


Having Central Air Installed For The First Time

If you've been living without central air conditioning up until this point, you are probably quite excited to finally have it installed. Indeed, it can be very freeing to turn down the thermostat and have your whole house cool off in response. Plus, you won't have to lug those heavy, window air conditioners around anymore. You may, however, have a couple of questions about the process of having central AC installed. Keep reading below for the answers.

Will the contractor have to put in new ducts?

If you already have ducts in your home from a heating system, the contractor will not have to run new or additional ducts. The air conditioner can utilize the same ducts that your heater is currently using. The only new ductwork that needs to be run is typically one small stretch of duct from the air conditioner itself to the main duct system.

Where will the air conditioner go?

Central air conditioners actually consist of three parts: a compressor, an evaporator coil, and a central fan. If you have forced air heat, you probably already have a central fan, and your AC system can use the same one. The evaporator coil will generally be placed near or even on top of the furnace. In other words, it goes indoors. The compressor is an outdoor unit. Typically, your installer will put it against the side of your home. There will be some flexibility as to exactly where it is placed. Ask your installer for a short list of placement options, and pick the one that suits you the best.

Do new air conditioners come with a warranty?

Yes, most new air conditioners come with a warranty from the manufacturer. Some installers add a second warranty on their labor. This is a good thing to look for when selecting an installer. If they are willing to warranty their installation work, then they are likely confident that their work is high-quality. Having this warranty also gives you peace of mind. You know that if anything goes wrong with your AC during the warranty period, you're unlikely to have to pay for parts or labor when it's repaired.

With these questions answered, you should be better prepared to have your AC unit installed in your home. Talk to an installer in your area to learn more. Having central air is so wonderful when you've gone without it for a while.

For more info, reach out to a local air conditioning installation technician.