Insulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC SystemInsulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC System

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Insulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC System

When we couldn't get our home to cool down last summer, we started checking our HVAC system. We found out that our air conditioning system was working fine, but the air just seemed to leave our house rapidly. We contacted an HVAC contractor to run a few tests, and he concluded that we had a severe insulation problem. After showing us which rooms had bad leaks, he recommended a business to come out and remedy the situation. This blog is all about insulating your home and helping you to keep that carefully heated and cooled air inside, where it belongs.


4 Tips To Prevent Issues With Blinking AC Light

Air conditioners regulate room temperatures for comfortable indoor conditions. Further, these cooling units integrate features such as blinking lights to indicate an issue that needs repair. When this happens, your system will display error codes due to a problematic component. Hence, you should engage an HVAC service expert when your unit has a blinking light. They will inspect the system, diagnose the problem, and repair it. Below are tips to prevent issues with blinking AC lights.

Check The Breaker Box

Pesky pests can infiltrate your breaker box, damaging the wire insulation. This can lead to live wires coming into contact with a neutral one, causing a short circuit. When this happens, it triggers the circuit breaker, shutting down the AC. Moreover, an overloaded socket can cause more electrical demand, tripping the circuit breaker. Thus, you should check the breaker box to determine its condition. If you notice naked wires, you should hire an HVAC service technician to replace them. Note that the expert may also recommend plugging your AC into a single socket to avoid overvoltage.

Clean Ducts and Clear Vents

AC ducts may deteriorate from constant expansion and contraction due to frequent temperature changes. This may result in the ducts leaking cool air to unconditioned spaces and drawing dust. Consequently, dust will accumulate in the vents, restricting airflow. On the other hand, placing furniture near vents can obstruct airflow, creating a pressure imbalance in the ducts that causes the joints to detach. Once this happens, the AC will display a blinking light. Therefore, you should inspect the ducts' condition, clean them, and clear obstructions in the vents for proper airflow.

Clean Your Air Filters

A cooling unit incorporates several filters for clean air circulation. However, airborne particulates may clog the filters, impeding airflow in the intake vents. Ultimately, this can result in a ripple effect of damage to other components. For instance, the compressor may burn out due to added strain to draw sufficient air for cooling. Thus, you should clean your filters regularly and replace them if they are disposable.

Inspect Refrigerant Lines

The line set carries the refrigerant under pressure between the indoor and outdoor units. Given this, you will likely hear a low hissing sound when the refrigerant is in the expansion valve. However, if this noise lingers, it could indicate a refrigerant leak. As a result, you will have a blinking AC with a reduced cooling output. Therefore, you should assess the refrigerant lines and ensure that access valves and fittings are in top condition to prevent leaks.

Keeping the AC in top shape is best to prevent a blinking light. Thus, you must employ an HVAC service expert to service your unit for optimal performance all year long. For more information on HVAC service, contact a professional near you.