Insulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC SystemInsulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC System

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Insulating Your Home To Help Your HVAC System

When we couldn't get our home to cool down last summer, we started checking our HVAC system. We found out that our air conditioning system was working fine, but the air just seemed to leave our house rapidly. We contacted an HVAC contractor to run a few tests, and he concluded that we had a severe insulation problem. After showing us which rooms had bad leaks, he recommended a business to come out and remedy the situation. This blog is all about insulating your home and helping you to keep that carefully heated and cooled air inside, where it belongs.


Be Prepared: How To Get Ready For Your Heater Repairs

If your heater is in need of repairs, you want the service appointment to go as smoothly as possible. One way to do that is to provide your service technician with the right information about your heater. This information includes the make and model of your heater, as well as the problems you're experiencing. In addition to that information, there are other steps you can take to help the appointment go smoothly. Here are three of those steps. 

Make Sure the Attic Is Accessible

If your heater is located in the attic, take the time to do some clearing before the service technician arrives. If the area around the heater isn't cleared, the technician will need to spend more time clearing a path. Unfortunately, that added time will be included in the cost of the repairs. It will also add to the time it will take for the technician to make the necessary repairs. On top of that, clutter around the heater increases the risk that the technician will suffer a trip and fall accident, which can lead to liability issues for you. Avoid all those problems with your heating repair. Make sure the attic is accessible before the heater repair technician arrives. 

Clear the Space Around the Ducts and Vents

If you're experiencing a problem with the airflow, your heater repair technician will need to access the vents and ducts, especially in the problem areas. Unfortunately, they won't be able to do that if there's furniture or boxes blocking the space around the vents. If you think that the heating repair technician will need to access your vents or ducts, make sure the area is clear of any items that can make repairs difficult. If you're not sure whether the technician will need access to the vents, go ahead and clear the area just to be safe. 

Ask for a Repair Estimate Before Work Begins

If you need to have repairs done on your heater, make sure you understand the costs. The best to ensure that is to ask for an estimate in advance. The estimate will include the work that needs to be done, as well as the costs for each repair. Asking for an estimate for repair costs before the work begins will allow you to check your budget in advance. 

Now that you need repairs done on your heater, take the time to plan for the service appointment. The tips provided above will help you to prepare for the service call. 

If you have questions about heating repair, contact an HVAC contractor in your area.